1. cassie @ primitive & proper says:

    that is such a fun front door, julia! i love it! and that knocker gets me every time! knocker envy.

    1. Thanks Cassie and I truly love my knocker 😉

  2. Patty Day says:

    It looks FABULOUS111

  3. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    The color is perfect! I wanted to paint my front door that color, but got discouraged by Steve. Try cutting your bush down very low instead of getting rid of it.

    1. Too late, yikes! I let out my frustrations on it this morning and hacked it to pieces ????

  4. I love the green against the b&w floor. Very classic and pretty.

  5. Gretchen@BoxyColonial says:

    ooh, what a pretty color! So your shutters are still dark green, yes? we have dark green shutters, and I struggle to find a door color I like that would work with them (we went with the very creative dark gray last time ;), but I’m ready for a change)

    1. Don’t hesitate 😉 it’s so so easy to change if you don’t like it

  6. ashley@biggerthanthethreeofus says:

    Its so welcoming! I’ve been toying with the idea of painting mine but just can’t pull the trigger. Btw, still loving that front porch. It’s so amazing.

    1. It’s so easy to change if you don’t like it, so just do it 😉

  7. Esther Books says:

    WOW – what a difference that color makes! So much more inviting than it was before. Do you think that would work on a non-lacquered wooden door as well, or would I have to strip and prime it first?

  8. Jennifer Griffin says:

    What a pretty bunch of colors, and I agree… that knocker is awesome!

  9. It’s so pretty Julia!! I had a similar color on our front door in VA and I loved driving down the street and seeing it stand out. The stripes, topiaries, and door knocker are perfect and feel like your signature style. Beautiful curb appeal. Pinning.

  10. Whitney Shortt says:

    I like the light green contrasted with the darker on your storm door. Getting ready to paint our front door hopefully this weekend and thinking something similar with blue and black. Can you tell me how you created the collage of door colors with the exact paint colors? Is it through photoshop or a website? Been trying to figure out how to do that forever!

    1. Hi Whitney, I did it in Photoshop yes.

  11. Pete - Paints Nepal says:

    The porch and the front door look amazing! An unusually classy and fun combination.

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